🍏🥤 Food and drink Emoji Meaning

Know the meaning of all Food and drink Emojis

Meaning of Food and drink Emoji

🍇 Grapes
🍈 Melon
🍉 Watermelon
🍊 Tangerine
🍋 Lemon
🍌 Banana
🍍 Pineapple
🥭 Mango
🍎 Red Apple
🍏 Green Apple
🍐 Pear
🍑 Peach
🍒 Cherries
🍓 Strawberry
🥝 Kiwi Fruit
🍅 Tomato
🥥 Coconut
🥑 Avocado
🍆 Eggplant
🥔 Potato
🥕 Carrot
🌽 Ear of Corn
🌶 Hot Pepper
🥒 Cucumber
🥬 Leafy Green
🥦 Broccoli
🍄 Mushroom
🥜 Peanuts
🌰 Chestnut
🍝 Spaghetti
🍠 Roasted Sweet Potato
🍢 Oden
🍣 Sushi
🍤 Fried Shrimp
🍥 Fish Cake With Swirl
🥮 Moon Cake
🍡 Dango
🥟 Dumpling
🥠 Fortune Cookie
🥡 Takeout Box
🍦 Soft Ice Cream
🍧 Shaved Ice
🍨 Ice Cream
🍩 Doughnut
🍪 Cookie
🎂 Birthday Cake
🍰 Shortcake
🧁 Cupcake
🥧 Pie
🍫 Chocolate Bar
🍞 Bread
🥐 Croissant
🥖 Baguette Bread
🥨 Pretzel
🥯 Bagel
🥞 Pancakes
🧀 Cheese Wedge
🍖 Meat on Bone
🍗 Poultry Leg
🥩 Cut of Meat
🥓 Bacon
🍔 Hamburger
🍟 French Fries
🍕 Pizza
🌭 Hot Dog
🥪 Sandwich
🌮 Taco
🌯 Burrito
🥙 Stuffed Flatbread
🍳 Cooking
🥘 Shallow Pan of Food
🍲 Pot of Food
🥣 Bowl With Spoon
🥗 Green Salad
🍿 Popcorn
🧂 Salt
🥫 Canned Food
🍱 Bento Box
🍘 Rice Cracker
🍙 Rice Ball
🍚 Cooked Rice
🍛 Curry Rice
🍜 Steaming Bowl